
By utilizing an audio visual medium to spread your message, you can be concise and consistent.
Buff Wombat Media can provide you with an end product that meets your needs. From online media to
DVDs, website’s or even desktop publishing, we will help you connect to your audience in a way
you require.

Due to Buff Wombat Media’s low overheads and effective workflow, we are able to provide a high quality
product at a greatly reduced price. We guarantee highly competitive prices and will gladly beat
any written quote.

Buff Wombat Media offers a wide range of production and media services;
  • Training and education
     o Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S)
     o Workplace Induction and Training
     o Educational Sectors
  • Corporate Communications
     o Internal & External
  • Promotional
  • Live Events
  • Online Media